1. Golden parachute 黄金降落伞:Large compensation payments made to the top management of the target firm if their positions are eliminated due to hostile takeover. This may include cash or bonus payments, stock options or a combination of these.一旦收购,就要支付被收购公司的高层大笔补偿金, 包括现金、奖金、股权期权或组合方案等,以此来打消敌意收购的意图。
2. Poison pill 毒丸计划:This is an attempt to make a company unattractive normally by giving the right to existing shareholders to buy shares at a very low price. 以非常低的价格像现有股东增发股票,这样公司就不那么吸引 人了。
3. White knights and white squires 白衣骑士/白衣侍从:This would involve inviting a firm that would rescue the target from the unwanted bidder. The white knight would act as a friendly counter-bidder. A white squire is similar to a white knight but the former does not take control of the target firm.与其被不喜欢的公司收购,不如自己找个公司,让其收购。白衣骑士会控制被收购公司,白衣侍从则不控制。
4. Crown jewels 王冠珠宝:The firm’s most valuable assets may be the main reason that the firm became a takeover target in the first place. By selling these or entering into arrangements such as sale and leaseback, the firm is making itself less attractive as a target. 把收购公司感兴趣的资产卖了,或者售后租回,以此让收购公司打消念头。
5. Pacman defence 帕克曼防御(反收购): This defence is carried out by mouting a counter-bid for the attacker. The Pacman defence is an aggressive rather than defensive tactic and will only work where the original acquirer is a public company with diverse shareholding. This tactic also appears to suggest that the company’s management are in favor of the acquisition but they disagree about which company should be in control. 对收购公司进行反收 购,是一种侵略性的防守战术,但也说明收购公司是他们感兴趣的,只是 不想被剥夺控制权(大家都想做老大)。
6. Litigation or regulation defence 诉讼或监管防护:Inviting investigation by regulatory authorities or Courts 要求监管机构介入调查,看看收购是否违法。