资产 | Assets |
流动资产 | Current assets |
货币资金 | Cash at bank and on hand |
交易性金融资产 | Financial assets held for trading |
应收票据 | Notes receivable |
应收账款 | Accounts receivable |
预付款项 | Advances to suppliers |
应收利息 | Interest receivable |
应收股利 | Dividends receivable |
其他应收款 | Other receivables |
存货 | Inventories |
一年内到期的非流动资产 | Current portion of non-current assets |
其他流动资产 | Other current assets |
流动资产合计 | Total current assets |
非流动资产 | Non-current assets |
可供出售金融资产 | Available-for-sale financial assets |
持有至到期投资 | Held-to-maturity investments |
长期应收款 | Long-term receivables |
长期股权投资 | Long-term equity investments |
投资性房地产 | Investment properties |
固定资产 | Fixed assets |
在建工程 | Construction in progress |
工程物资 | Construction materials |
固定资产清理 | Fixed assets pending for disposal |
生产性生物资产 | Bearer biological assets |
油气资产 | Oil and gas assets |
无形资产 | Intangible assets |
开发支出 | Development costs |
商誉 | Goodwill |
长期待摊费用 | Long-term prepaid expenses |
递延所得税资产 | Deferred tax assets |
其他非流动资产 | Other non-current assets |
非流动资产合计 | Total non-current assets |
资产总计 | Total assets |
负债及所有者权益 | Liabilities and owners’ equity |
流动负债 | Current liabilities |
短期借款 | Short-term borrowings |
交易性金融负债 | Financial liabilities held for trading |
应付票据 | Notes payable |
应付账款 | Accounts payable |
预收款项 | Advances from customers |
应付职工薪酬 | Employee benefits payable |
应交税费 | Taxes payable |
应付利息 | Interest payable |
应付股利 | Dividends payable |
其他应收款 | Other payables |
一年内到期的非流动负债 | Current portion of non-current liabilities |
其他流动负债 | Other non-current liabilities |
流动负债合计 | Total current liabilities |
非流动负债 | Non-current liabilities |
长期借款 | Long-term borrowings |
应付债券 | Debentures payable |
长期应付款 | Long-term payable |
专项应付款 | Payables for specific projects |
预计负债 | Provisions |
递延所得税负债 | Deferred tax liabilities |
其他非流动负债 | Other non-current liabilities |
非流动负债合计 | Total non-current liabilities |
负债合计 | Total liabilities |
所有者权益 | Owners’ equity |
实收资本 | Paid-in capital |
资本公积 | Capital surplus |
盈余公积 | Surplus reserve |
未分配利润 | Undistributed profits |
外币报表折算差额 | Difference on translation of foreign currency financial statements |
归属于母公司所有者权益合计 | Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Company |
少数股东权益 | Minority interest |
所有者权益合计 | Total owners’ equity |
负债及所有者权益合计 | Total liabilities and owners’ equity |
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