Travix为携程集团全资子公司。 携程旅行网创立于1999年,总部设在中国上海,员工30000余人,目前公司已在北京、广州、深圳、成都、杭州、南京、厦门、重庆、青岛、沈阳、武汉、三亚、丽江、香港、南通17个城市设立分支机构,在南通设立服务联络中心。2010年,携程旅行网战略投资台湾易游网和香港永安旅游,完成了两岸三地的布局。2014年,投资途风旅行网,将触角延伸及北美洲。 作为中国领先的综合性旅行服务公司,携程成功整合了高科技产业与传统旅行业,向超过2.5亿会员提供集无线应用、酒店预订、机票预订、旅游度假、商旅管理及旅游资讯在内的全方位旅行服务,被誉为互联网和传统旅游无缝结合的典范。 凭借稳定的业务发展和优异的盈利能力,CTRIP于2003年12月在美国纳斯达克成功上市,上市当天创纳市3年来开盘当日涨幅至高纪录。 今日的携程在在线旅行服务市场居领先地位,成为全球市值前三的在线旅行服务公司。
*Development and execution of the Vision and Strategy of the company for B2C and B2B payments, ensuring it is aligned with the overall Group payments strategy.
*Responsible and accountable for the company’s payment KPI and the Payments team’s performance.
*Partnership management. Be responsible for the relationship with PSPs, acquirers, and APMs vendors. Negotiate contracts to achieve the best commercials and drive operational alignment to achieve the best possible performance.
*Manage payments costs budget, invoice approval, and explain and act upon the deviations between the operational and financial data.
*Initiate, propose, and lead strategic initiatives to support revenue generation, cost reduction, and the best customer payments journey.
*Provide ongoing business support on all payment-related topics including compliance and upcoming industry changes. Ensure key Business Partners are aware of new industry requirements, compliance deadlines, and business impact.
*Manage and oversee the daily payments operations of a team of specialists to achieve business goals, act upon performance issues, and effectively manage escalations.
*Coach and develop high-performing teams by understanding and facilitating team dynamics, recognizing, and developing great talent, and ensuring you have an engaged team.
*Lead continuous improvement. Create structure and routinely assess processes and systems for improvement and optimization opportunities. Use quantitative and qualitative data to measure impact and outcomes. Lead or participate in initiatives utilizing project management rigor.
*Change Management. Active development of future state vision for your team. Be a change champion to ensure readiness for our declared future state by mobilizing and readying our talent, defining, and documenting system needs, collaborating with partners to ensure they are ready, etc.
*Strong collaboration with internal stakeholders such as Fraud prevention, Chargeback, Finance, Customer Service, Legal, and Product & Tech among others.
*At least 5 years of working experience in a managerial role working with 3rd party suppliers including payment gateways, acquirer banks, and APMs.
*ACCA members are preferred;
*Experience in a fast-moving, high volume international e-commerce environment
*A plus if you have been involved in the Online Travel Industry
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