2020年AICPA考试已经开始啦! Enterprise Risk Management是BEC考试的重点。下面,小编就带大家梳理一遍AICPA知识点:企业风险管理,赶快收藏起来~~
Introduction to Enterprise Risk Management
1.Assist organization response to risk management 企业风险管理帮助企业去应对管理风险
2.Integrating with strategy and performance 企业风险管理服务于企业战略和绩效的实现
Risk:the possibility that events will occur and affect the achievement of strategy and business objectives
1-1. Value
Provide value for stakeholders
All entities face risk in the pursuit of value for their stakeholders 在追求价值的过程中需要面对风险
Management decision will affect the development of value
Value Creation:Benefit>resource costs (people, financial capital, tech, brand…)
Value Preservation:sustainable operating profit (efficiently and effectively) - ongoing
Value Erosion:Cost > Benefit, faulty strategy and inefficient operations cause value to decline
Value Realization:benefits created by the organization are received by stakeholders
1-2. Mission, Vision, and Core Values
Mission:why company exists
Vision:what it hopes to achieve
Core Value:beliefs and ideals about what is good or bad, how to achieve goals
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