犹他州(State of Utah,UT)是美国的一个州,位于美国西部。于1896年1月4日成为美国第45个州。犹他州的主要城市有盐湖城,奥格登和普若佛。约80%人口居住于首府盐湖城。
费用 | |
申请费(首次申请需缴纳) | $145.00 |
考试报名费 | |
审计与鉴证(AUD) | $208.40 |
商业环境(BEC) | $208.40 |
财务会计与报告(FAR) | $208.40 |
法规(REG) | $208.40 |
注册费(非首次申请需缴纳) | |
4 examination sections | $110.00 |
3 examination sections | $95.00 |
2 examination sections | $80.00 |
1 examination section | $65.00 |
学历要求 | |
总学分要求: | 不需满足150学分 |
至低学位要求: | 学士学位及以上 |
学分要求: NOTE: 135 hours is acceptable for the Exam only; 150 hours is required for licensure | 1、Graduate degree in accounting from an AACSB or ACBSP accredited program |
2、Graduate degree in Taxation or Master of Business Administration degree from an AACSB or ACBSP accredited program including: (1)Accounting – one of the following: ◆ 15 semester (23 quarter) hours in graduate accounting ◆ 24 semester (36 quarter) hours in upper division accounting ◆ Equivalent combination of graduate and upper division with one hour of graduate coursework being equivalent to 1.6 hours of upper division coursework (2)Accounting Subjects – each of the following: ◆ Financial Accounting ◆ Auditing ◆ Taxation ◆ Management or Cost Accounting | |
3、Baccalaureate degree in accounting or business from an AACSB or ACBSP accredited program including: (1)Accounting – each of the following: ◆ 16 semester (24 quarter) hours in upper division courses ◆ 8 semester (12 quarter) hours graduate courses (2)Accounting subjects – At least one course with a minimum of 2 semester (3 quarter) hours in each: ◆ Financial Accounting ◆ Auditing ◆ Taxation ◆ Management or Cost Accounting (3)Business: ◆ 12 semester (18 quarter) in upper division non-accounting business courses (3)Additional Accounting and Business – each of the following ◆ 12 semester (18 quarter) in graduate business or accounting courses ◆ 10 semester (15 quarter) in upper division or graduate business or accounting | |
4、Baccalaureate or graduate degree from a regionally accredited institution including: (1)Accounting – each of the following: ▶ 24 semester (36 quarter) hours in upper division courses to include a minimum of 2 semester (3 quarter) hours in each: ◆ Financial Accounting ◆ Auditing ◆ Taxation ◆ Management or Cost Accounting (2)Business: ▶ 30 semester (45 quarter) hours in non-accounting business or related courses to include a minimum of 2 semester (3 quarter) hours in each: ◆ Business Law ◆ Computers ◆ Economics ◆ Ethics ◆ Finance ◆ Statistics and Quantitative Methods ◆Written and Oral Communication ◆Business Administration such as Marketing, Production, Management, Policy or Organizational Behavior (3)Additional Accounting and Business – each of the following: ◆ 8 semester (12 quarter) hours in graduate accounting courses ◆ 12 semester (18 quarter) in graduate business or accounting courses ◆ 10 semester (15 quarter) in upper division or graduate business or accounting | |
成绩单要求 | |
认可的评估机构: | NIES, NACES 立即进行免费预评估>> |
居住权要求 | |
是否需要美国公民身份? | 否 |
是否需要为本地居民或者在美就职? | 否 |
年龄要求 | |
至低年龄限制 | 无 |
点击了解更多爱荷华州USCPA考试报考要求>> | |
《美国CPA常见报考州报考要求汇总》 |
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