费用 | |
申请费(首次申请需缴纳) | $150.00 |
考试报名费 | |
审计与鉴证(AUD) | $208.40 |
商业环境(BEC) | $208.40 |
财务会计与报告(FAR) | $208.40 |
法规(REG) | $208.40 |
注册费(非首次申请需缴纳) | |
4 examination sections | $75.00 |
3 examination sections | $75.00 |
2 examination sections | $75.00 |
1 examination section | $75.00 |
学历要求 | |
总学分要求: | 不需满足150学分 |
至低学位要求: | 学士学位及以上 |
学分要求: you must have completed a Baccalaureate Degree or higher degree with at least 120 credit hours of higher education that includes the accounting and business courses listed below:
| (1)At least 27 semester hours of non-duplicative accounting coursework at the undergraduate or graduate level with course grades of C (or equivalent) or higher. ★ Within the 27 semester hours in accounting, 21 semester hours must exclude introductory accounting courses and cover subject areas such as: ◆ Accounting Ethics ◆ Accounting Information Systems ◆ Accounting Research and Analysis ◆ Accounting Theory ◆ Auditing and Attestation Services ◆ Financial Accounting and Reporting of ◆ Business Organizations ◆ Financial Accounting and Reporting for Government and Not-for-Profit Entities ◆ Financial Statement Analysis ◆ Fraud Examination ◆ Internal Controls and Risk Assessment ◆ Managerial or Cost Accounting ◆ Taxation ◆ Tax Research and Analysis ◆ Other areas as approved by the Board ★ The 21 semester hours in accounting must include a 3 semester hour, or more, auditing course concentrating on U.S. GAAS. NOTE: "Concentrating on U.S. GAAS" means that any course content referencing non-U.S. standards is incidental to the course. |
(2)At least 21 semester hours of non-duplicative coursework in business administration at the undergraduate or graduate level that addresses subject areas such as: ◆ Behavior of Organizations, Groups, and Persons ◆ Business Communications ◆ Business Ethics ◆ Business Law ◆ Computer Information Systems ◆ Economics ◆ Finance ◆ Legal and Social Environment of Business ◆ Management ◆ Marketing ◆ Quantitative Applications in Business Statistics ◆ Other areas as approved by the Board | |
(3)Of the 21 semester hours, no more than 6 semester hours can be in any single subject area. But semester hours in excess of the 6-hour maximum may count toward the total 120 semester hour requirement. | |
(4)Of the 21 semester hours, 12 semester hours must be in courses above the introductory level in business administration. | |
是否接受在校生报考 | |
接受在校生报考: If you do not have a baccalaureate degree, you may still qualify for the examination as a candidate of Colorado if you have completed at least 120 credit hours of higher education provided you are currently enrolled in a degree program at a college or university that: | (1) requires a minimum 150 hours for graduation; and (2) does not offer a Baccalaureate Degree, but instead confers a Masters or higher degree, or offers a Baccalaureate Degree upon completion of a combined degree program. |
成绩单要求 | |
是否可以在读报考? | 是 |
认可的评估机构: | NIES,NACES,AICE |
居住权要求 | |
是否需要美国公民身份? | 否 |
是否需要为本地居民或者在美就职? | 否 |
年龄要求 | |
至低年龄限制 | 无 |
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