这次考纲更新受影响的科目有AUD、FAR和REG。其中,REG由于受到P.L. 115-97, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,也就是俗称的特朗普税改的影响,在联邦个人所得税与公司所得税部分有较大的改动。
FAR/AUD这两门的变动较少。BEC由于此前考试大纲已经针对COSO ERM进行了部分改动,此次2019年1月1日生效的大纲则没有对BEC进行任何调整。
· 增加了新的topic:Notes to financial statements (of nongovernmental, not-for-profit entities)
· 调整非政府性以及非盈利组织财务报表的注释,纠正错误和遗漏。
对于Professional Skepticism,即审计师的职业怀疑的相关要求添加了更多的细节。但是,相关补充不影响AUD的考试范围与内容设置。这一补充主要是使得考生更明确自己在AUD课程学习中对Professional Skepticism需要掌握与理解的程度,以及AUD考试对这些知识点的测试深度。
针对Ethics, Professional
Responsibilities and General Principles – Ethics, independence and professional conduct
· Understand the concepts of professional skepticism and professional judgment.
· Understand personal bias and other impediments to acting with professional skepticism, such as threats, incentives and judgment-making shortcuts.
针对Performing Further
Procedures and Obtaining Evidence - Understanding sufficient appropriate evidence
· Investigate evidence that either contradicts or corroborates management explanations, expectations and other hypotheses throughout an audit or non-audit engagement.
针对Performing Further
Procedures and Obtaining Evidence - Performing specific procedures to obtain
evidence - Inquiry of management and others
· Analyze responses obtained during structured or informal interviews with management and others, including those in non-financial roles, and ask relevant and effective follow-up questions to understand their perspectives and motivations in an audit or non-audit engagement.
针对Performing Further
Procedures and Obtaining Evidence - Performing specific procedures to obtain
evidence - All other procedures
· Modify planned procedures based upon new information, such as inconsistent explanations, new evidence and environmental cues, to achieve audit objectives in an audit of an issuer or a nonissuer.
由于受“税收减免和工作法案”(TCJA)的发布与实施,预计在2019年Q1之后参加REG考试的考生大多忧心忡忡,不知该如何是好。根据网校老师对于Blueprint Summary的解读,改动涉及3个Area(REG考纲共5个Area),共12处变更。
变动的主要内容是“税收减免和工作法案”(TCJA)删除了Personal Exemption,AMT(Alternative Minimum Tax),以及针对跨司法区域税务处理 (multi-jurisdictional tax issues)的相关税法细则的修改。
· Compare the tax benefits of the different expensing options for tax depreciation for federal income tax purposes.
· Group name - Filing status
· Topic name - Computations of taxable income, taxliability and allowable credits
· Analyze the impact of net operating and/orcapital losses during tax planning for a Ccorporation.
· Calculate the revised basis of partnershipassets due to a transfer of a partnershipinterest for federal income tax purposes.
· Calculate the qualifying business income(QBI) deduction for federal income taxpurposes.
· Recall relationships meeting the definitionof dependent for purposes of determiningtaxpayer filing status.
· Identify situations where the base erosionand anti-abuse tax (BEAT) would apply.
· Identify factors that would qualify incomeas Foreign Derived Intangible Income(FDII).
· Define the components of GlobalIntangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI).
· Recall relationships qualifying for personal exemptions reported on federal Form 1040 — U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
· Identify the number of personal exemptions reported on federal Form 1040 — U.S. Individual Income Tax Return given a specifc scenario.
· Calculate alternative minimum taxable income and alternative minimum tax for a C corporation.
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