Questions 1:
Cost–push inflation is least likely to be affected by an increase in:
A、 employee wages.
B 、finished goods prices.
C、 commodity prices.
Questions 2:
All else remaining equal, a decline in the average duration of unemployment most likely indicates that an economic:
A 、upturn is beginning.
B 、upturn has already occurred.
C 、downturn is forthcoming.
B is correct. Cost–push inflation arises due to increases in costs associated with production: wages and raw materials prices.
A is incorrect. Cost–push inflation arises due to increases in costs associated with production. Wages are the single biggest cost to businesses.
C is incorrect. Cost–push inflation arises due to increases in costs associated with production. Commodities are an input to production, so they are major source of cost– push inflation.
B is correct. The average duration of unemployment is a lagging economic indicator because businesses wait until a downturn looks genuine before laying off employees and until recoveries look secure before rehiring. If there is a decline in the average duration of unemployment, then it means that companies have been hiring, which indicates that an economic upturn has already occurred.
A is incorrect. Average duration of unemployment is a lagging indicator, not a coincident indicator.
C is incorrect. Although the average duration of unemployment is a lagging indicator, it is more directly indicating that an upturn has been underway, not that a downturn is forthcoming.
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