Questions 1:
Companies pursuing cost leadership will most likely:
A 、invest in productivity-improving capital equipment.
B、 establish strong market research teams to match customer needs with product development.
C 、engage in defensive pricing when the competitive environment is one of high rivalry.
Questions 2:
After the public announcement of the merger of two firms, an investor makes abnormal returns by going long on the target firm and short on the acquiring firm. This most likely violates which form of market efficiency?
A、 Semi-strong-form only
B、 Semi-strong-form and strong-form
C、 Weak-form and semi-strong-form
A is correct. Companies pursuing cost leadership must be able to invest in productivityimproving capital equipment in order to be low-cost producers and maintain efficient operating systems.
B is incorrect. Establishing strong market research teams to match customer needs with product development is appropriate for companies pursuing a differentiation strategy.
C is incorrect. Defensive pricing is appropriate when the competitive environment is one of low rivalry, not high.
B is correct. In a semi-strong-form efficient market, prices adjust quickly and accurately to new information. In this case, prices would quickly adjust to the merger announcement, and if the market is a semi-strong-form efficient market, investors acting after the merger announcement would not be able to earn abnormal returns. Therefore, the market is not semi-strong-form efficient. A market that is not semi-strong-form efficient is also not strong-form efficient. Thus, violating the semi-strong-form efficiency also implies violating the strong-form efficiency. However, the market could still be weak-form efficient because past prices are not being used to make abnormal profits. Thus, we cannot say that the weak-form market efficiency has been violated.
A is incorrect. A market that is not semi-strong-form efficient is also not strong-form efficient. Thus, violating the semi-strong-form efficiency also implies violating the strong-form efficiency.
C is incorrect. The market could still be weak-form efficient, as past prices are not being used to make abnormal profits. Thus, we cannot say that the weak-form market efficiency has been violated.
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