F8 审计与认证在ACCA考试中,一向被考生认为是比较难通过的科目,但是这里的‘难通过’并不是说试题的难度难到了什么层次,而是考官通过考生的试卷总结出来的以下几个原因。
'Candidates performed particularly well on questions 1b, 2a, 3a, 3bi, 4a and 5a. The questions candidates found most challenging were questions 1ai, 1c, 1d, 3bii and 5c. This is mainly due to candidates not understanding core syllabus areas well enough; a lack of technical knowledge and also due to a failure to read question requirements carefully.'
因为F8 审计与认证这门考试,在答题性质上和F4 商法和公司法比较类似,都是纯写作的科目,但是F8 审计与认证这门考试尤甚,因为不仅仅需要咱们对大概知识有个框架就可以过关了,需要学员们对实际情况再有一个判断的基础上,再提出相应的修改建议和理论支持。这样,考官就不仅仅要求考生们对基础知识有一个很深刻的理解,还需要把基础知识通过合理的手段运用在现实案例中,这就好比从仰望星空到脚踏实地一样。
'A number of common issues arose in candidate’s answers:
1. Poor time management between questions, some candidates wrote far too much for some questions and this put them under time pressure to answer the remaining questions.
2. Failure to fully understand the requirement verbs such as “describe”, or “explain” and hence not providing sufficient depth to their answers.
3. Poor layout of answers, including not using columns for questions when this would have helped to maximize marks.'
从中,学员们需要注意的是考官提到的上一次考试中考生在时间管理和读题中出现比较薄弱的环节。考生们在答题的过程中容易出现列示单个词或者短语的现象,但是考官希望考生至少要形成一句话或者是一段文字,这样才能符合F8 审计与认证的写作要求。因为这门考试是需要学员们掌握作为一名审计人员应有的技能和表达能力。
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