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美国国债不愁卖 没有中国还有日本

来源: 华尔街日报 编辑: 2010/09/16 15:13:19  字体:

  美国国债不愁卖 没有中国还有日本中国一直在促使其2.5万亿美元的外汇储备向美元之外多元化,部分人士开始担心,中国减少购买美国国债会导致美国利率上升,从而使美国政府举债更困难。



  作为推动多元化的一部分,中国也是日圆的主要购买者,根据日本财务省(Japanese Ministry of Finance),中国今年迄今已抢购了价值270亿美元的日圆。分析师说中国的购买行为使得已经高涨的日圆再度走强。

  现在,日本面临削弱日圆的压力,转而购买美元,并很可能以美国国债的形式购买。还不清楚日本需要购买多少美元才能阻止日圆继续升值,但很有可能高于中国为促进多元化购买的日圆。前事不忘后事之师,日本在2003年到2004年的上一次汇市干预中投入了3200亿美元。根据国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlements)的统计,当下的汇市中美元和日圆之间每日成交额为5680亿美元,与上次干预相比增加了73%.


  Don't Worry About China,Japan Will Finance U.S. Debt China has been diversifying its $2.5 trillion reserves away from the dollar,causing some to worry that less Chinese buying of Treasurys would cause U.S. interest rates to rise and make it more difficult for the government to borrow.

  But Japan's dollar buying in currency markets Wednesday shows Chinese reserve diversification might actually lead to even more demand for Treasurys.

  Here's how. As China diversifies out of U.S. dollar-denominated assets such as Treasurys,it is buying debt denominated in the currencies of some of its biggest trading partners. Not wanting to lose competitiveness themselves,those trading partners in turn buy dollars to keep their currencies cheap.

  As part of the diversification push,China has been a major buyer of yen,snapping up $27 billion in yen so far this year according to Japanese Ministry of Finance. Analysts say China's buying has helped an already strong yen get stronger.

  Now,Japan,feeling under pressure to weaken its currency,turned around and bought dollars,most likely in the form of Treasurys. It isn't clear exactly how much dollar buying Japan will have to do to protect the yen from getting stronger,but it's likely to more than offset China's diversification into the yen. If the past is a guide,Japan spent $320 billion in its last intervention from 2003 to 2004. And this time the currency markets are 73% far larger,with $568 billion dollar-yen trading a day,according to the Bank for International Settlements.

  Japan is not alone in this phenomenon. China has also bought South Korea's currency,the won. And South Korea routinely intervenes in currency markets,buying dollars to keep its currency from rising too quickly,again offsetting China's move out of the dollar.

我要纠错】 责任编辑:zoe



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