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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/04/22 15:00:35  字体:

  In order to understand how Japan’s earthquake has affected businesses in neighbouring South Korea, take a look at seafood.


  Exports of South Korean seaweed to Japan have soared, with many Japanese fearing that algae harvested off their own coast – a frequent ingredient in miso soup – could be contaminated by radiation seeping from the shattered Fukushima atomic power plant.


  Similarly, any South Korean company that can produce a substitute for a Japanese product is in a strong position, with international banks expecting oil refiners such as SK Innovation and steelmakers such as Posco to take market share away from Japanese rivals hammered by the quake.

  同样,任何一家能够生产日本产品替代品的韩国公司,如今都处于非常有利的位置——国际银行预计,SK innovation等炼油商以及浦项制铁(POSCO)等钢铁制造商,将夺走受地震影响的日本竞争对手的市场份额。

  SK shares have soared by 17 percent since the disaster. Stocks in Posco, which has received additional inquiries about the purchase of about 300,000 tonnes of steel from shipbuilders since the quake, have also jumped 14 percent.


  Meanwhile, South Korea’s fishmongers are nervously counting how many mackerel they had put in cold storage before the radiation started leaking from Fukushima. Many must import Norwegian mackerel, incurring higher costs, to please the growing number of shoppers refusing to buy fish caught off Japan.


  Likewise, many leading South Korean companies are living on their inventories and need to look further afield for alternative suppliers. South Korea ran a $36bn trade deficit with Japan last year. Almost 70 percent of this represented vital components and parts for industry.


  “Currently, investors are gauging whether the impact of reduced competition from Japan will outweigh the supply bottlenecks of tech companies in Korea and Taiwan, which rely on Japan for a number of key components,” said Brian Kelleher, a vice-president at Citigroup.

  花旗集团副总裁布赖恩?凯莱赫(Brian Kelleher)表示:“目前,投资者正在评估来自日本的竞争减弱所带来的影响,是否将超过韩国及台湾技术公司供应瓶颈的影响。韩国与台湾的许多关键零部件都是从日本进口。”

  Samsung Electronics and Hynix, the world’s biggest makers of memory chips, have said their inventories remain robust, but Hynix added it was seeking extra supplies from outside Japan.

  三星电子(Samsung Electronics)和全球最大的存储芯片制造商海力士(Hynix)表示,它们的库存仍十分充足,但海力士补充称,它正从日本以外的其它地区寻找额外供应。

  “We have asked our local and overseas suppliers to increase their shipments of components as some of our Japanese suppliers were hit by the quake,” said Park Hyun, a senior official.

  海力士高管Park Hyun表示:“鉴于我们的一些日本供应商受到了地震的影响,我们已要求我们的本土及海外供应商提高零部件出货量。”

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