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This form can be used for self-declaration or withholding declaration, as well as for the non-resident taxpayer s application for tax refund. The non-resident taxpayer initiating the self-declaration for claiming tax treaty benefits, or applying for tax refund, shall complete two copies of the form: one form is to be submitted to the in-charge tax authority at the time of such declaration or application, and the other form is to be kept by the non-resident taxpayer. Where the non-resident taxpayer s China sourced income is subject to withholding tax, administered at source or by means of a designated withholding agent, and the non-resident taxpayer is entitled to tax treaty benefits, the non-resident taxpayer shall complete three copies of the form: one is to be given to the withholding agent to submit to the in-charge tax authority at the time of the withholding declaration, one is to be kept by the withholding agent and another is to be kept by the non-resident taxpayer. 7 kQ0 -NVzR:gsQ\[^E\l~zNcNvOo`DeO[022 7VIII. Any information and materials provided by the non-resident taxpayer will be kept confidential by China s tax authorities. 7 IV.  Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits under the Article of Capital Gains (Information for Use by Withholding Agent) in Part III and  Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits under the Article of Other Income in Part d!of the form is used by a withholding agent to decide if a non-resident taxpayer is eligible for tax treaty benefits in withholding at source. The rest is for the tax authority to gather information for administrative purposes. = 7 Instructions for Filling out the Reporting Form for Non-resident Taxpayer Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits (Form C for Enterprise Income Tax)nA 7, 0 1 % MON-NVv NRN Immovable property situated in China 2 % ^E\l~zN(W-NVv8^:ggbV[W0W%N"NRvRN Movable property forming part of the property of a non-resident taxpayer's permanent establishment or fixed base in China 3 % NNVEЏwmЏ0zzЏ0FЏ v960ޘ:g0FЏf0VEЏ-NO(uvƖň{ b^\N~% N960ޘ:g0FЏf0Ɩň{vRN Ships, aircraft or land vehicles operated in the international traffic (marine traffic, air traffic or land traffic), containers used in the international traffic, or movable property pertaining to the operation of such ships, aircrafts, land vehicles or containers 4 % lQSN0SbvQNCg)RS_v)Rv Shares, participation or other rights in the capital of a company 5 % TOONbOXb-Nv)Rv Interests in a partnership or trust 6 % vQN"N Other type of property 2222L2MN2OP2QR2o2222Fg2hi2jk2lm2~2222222  2 7a N lNNVEЏwmЏ0zzЏ0FЏ v960ޘ:g0FЏf0VEЏ-NO(uvƖň{ b^\N~% N960ޘ:g0FЏf0Ɩň{vRN I Alienation of Ships, Aircraft or Land Vehicles Operated in the International Traffic (Marine Traffic, Air Traffic or Land Traffic) , Containers Used in the International Traffic, or Movable Property Pertaining to the Operation of Such Ships, Aircraft, Land Vehicles or Containers3EG<HI<J 7 I  N lTOONbOXb-Nv)Rv (III) Alienation of Interests in a Partnership or Trust3 7a *11^E\l~zNc`QwQSOOo` Detailed information on shareholdings owned by the non-resident taxpayer 4 7Question 11,  Detailed information on shareholdings owned by the non-resident taxpayer : The non-resident taxpayer who alienates the shares of Chinese resident company shall fill out this question; if it is not the case, please write  N/A in the column of  < Name . 7 ^E\l~zNǏlQSbvQN[SOc gllQSNkO Percentage of shareholdings in alienated company owned by the non-resident taxpayer via other companies or entities2 7/:  b(XfN NHTbNyw[0Qnx0e0ncNNuy@b_vCg)Rb"NvNublv^^:NN_z6eOS[)Rv [c0 I hereby declare that the information given above is true, accurate and error-free and the obtaining or alienation of any right or property which generates this income is not purposely arranged to acquire tax treaty benefits. ^E\l~zN~{z Seal of non-resident taxpayer t^ g e NhN~{W[ Signature of the representative Y M D 4@@>H>>>> 7 Yg^E\l~zN g5 -N@b`Q ^Ɖ:NSNl-NVE\llQSD,g ^eQ6 ^E\l~zNvcbcc gllQSNkO0N^E\l~zNwQ g>fW)RvsQ|vsQTƖVbXTSbvcbcb g^E\l~zN100%D,gv*NNSbNvQMvP06rkS6rkN NMRv|N^\0P[sYSP[sYN NTv|N^\qQ Tb gv`b_ 0lQSbvQN[SO02  2'(2fj2 7 Question 4,  Information of shareholdings in the alienated company directly or indirectly owned by the non-resident taxpayer : In the case of item 3, the percentage of capital participation in a Chinese resident company owned by nominee participants can be deemed as the non-resident taxpayer s direct or indirect capital participation in the Chinese resident company. The percentage of nominee participants shall be included in the total percentage of item 6. 7 In the case of item 4, the capital participation of qualified companies or other entities shall be deemed as the capital participation of the non-resident taxpayer in the alienated resident Chinese company. The product of the percentage of shareholdings in the qualified subsidiaries and other entities owned by the non-resident taxpayer (more than 10%) and the percentage of shareholdings in the alienated Chinese resident company owned by aforesaid subsidiaries and other entities, shall be included in the total percentage of item 6. If the non-resident taxpayer indirectly participates in the capital of the alienated company via multiple tier companies, the total percentage of item 6 shall be calculated based on the product of percentage of each tier s capital participation. 7> 7.1 f@bl"NwQSO{|Wf@blNNVEЏvN]wQvwQSO{|W Yޘ:g0960kpf0lQf0Ɩň{I{02=2 7 Question 1,  Please indicate the specific type of alienated property : Please specify the type of vehicles of international traffic which are alienated, whether they are ships, aircraft, trains, road vehicles or containers. 7 > Steg t^ g e Date of case acceptance: Y M D4444 7 1 llQSvcc gMON-NVv NRN`S;`DNkO Percentage of immovable property which is situated in China and directly owned by the alienated company in its total assets44 7 2 llQSvcbcc gMON-NVv NRN`S;`DNkO Percentage of immovable property which is situated in China and directly or indirectly owned by the alienated company in its total assets22 7 1 lTOONbOXbvcc gMON-NVv NRN`S;`DNkO Percentage of immovable property which is situated in China and directly owned by the alienated partnership or trust in its total assets 22 7 2 lTOONbOXbvcbcc gMON-NVv NRN`S;`DNkO Percentage of immovable property which is situated in China and directly or indirectly owned by the alienated partnership or trust in its total assets22" 7  E\lV0W:S Resident state (region)2 7 [ Fixed base refers to a fixed place through which an individual engaging in independent personal services conducts his or her business activities. If the income has effective connection with a permanent establishment or fixed base in China of the non-resident taxpayer, the provision of business profits or independent personal services applies. 7 \  % /f kXQwQSO N^Oo` Yes, Please fill in specific information of listing status % &T No 444S4TU4V 7  % L3ub 0 cb43ub 0 z Self-declaration < Withholding declaration Tax refund 4  464784<`4ab4d 7 j Reporting Form for Non-resident Taxpayer Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits (Form C for Enterprise Income Tax) PAe 7  cNe Submission date4 7 $ V. The non-resident taxpayer shall provide accurate and complete information to answer the questions contained in the form. Please write  N/A in the form if a situation described in a question is not applicable for a non-resident taxpayer. For a multiple-choice question, please mark  " in a corresponding box ( % ) or circle ( % ) for a choice that fits a non-resident taxpayer s situation. If a non-resident taxpayer s situation falls into the description of a question marked with  * , answers shall be provided; otherwise, it can be skipped.=:=;J=K 7+ (I) Basic Information of Withholding Agent 7Name of non-resident taxpayer in resident state (region): Fill in the full English name of the non-resident taxpayer which is used in the non-resident taxpayer s state (region) of residence. 7 Name of the applicable article: Non-resident taxpayer need to select the right choice based on the type of income. There is no need to answer the questions of Part d! when selecting  Capital gains and no need to answer the questions of Part b! and c! when selecting  Other income. === 7 N NS"N6evag>k_Gcb4INRNO(uOo`  7/(II) Basic Information of Non-resident Taxpayer 7r (III) Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits under the Article of Capital Gains (Information for Use by Withholding Agent) 7 Please select the type of alienated property: After the type is selected, only general questions and questions related to the selected property type in the Part b! and c! need to be answered. == 7 8.2 llQSN/f&T:N8RNf@b N^vhyY^E\l~zNNSvz6eOS[Sbl(WSv8RNf@b N^vhyMQzvĉ[ N^E\l~zNNSag>kvz6eOS[_G dkXQ,gY (W8-N_NSz6eOS[ag>kvwQSOĉ[ v^f^E\l~zNl(WSv8RNf@b N^vhy/f&T&{TlkOvP6R'`ĉ[02=2de2 7C 9.3 llQSv"Nv NRNgb`Q NRN@b+TW0WbW0WO(uCgN

kvz6eOS[_G kXQ,g02=2 7 12.8 {fvQN^E\l~zN:N^NS"N6evag>kz6eOS[_Gvl_Onc0N[`QbvQNt1uYg^E\l~zNNSvz6eOS[ gyrkag>k N^E\l~zNNSvsQyrkag>kvz6eOS[_G (W,g-N_vsQag>kage v^fꁫ&{TNSz6eOS[_GagNvN[`Q02=2 7? 13.11 ^E\l~zNc`QwQSOOo`^E\l~zNl-NVE\llQSNv^kXdk evsQ`Qv(W Ty hkX e 02=2562892;<2=>2 7c 15.13 sQTƖV;`@b(W0WTsQTƖV[E{t:gg@b(W0W^E\l~zNl-NVE\llQSNv^kXdk kXQƖV;`萌T[E{t:gg@b^\vrzz6e{:S0YƖV;`(W/n kXQ/nyr+RL?e:S02=2 7 16.14 ^E\l~zNя Nt^/f&T gegnN-NVXQvQN0W:Sv T{|@b_Yg^E\l~zNя Nt^(W-NVvQN0W:SS_ T{|@b_ S N TzR;N{:gsQ{t ^ b /f v^kXQ150160(W16-NRf^E\l~zNя Nt^1\egnN-NVXQvQN0W:Sv@b g T{|@b_NSz6eOS[_G`Q SSDfDe02=2MN2OP2VX2Y[2`b2 7E (V) Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits under the Article of Other Income 79 17.17 fvQN@b_{|WwQSOcy@b_v'`( NSelR_{|Nz6eOS[vQNag>k@bR>Nv@b_{|Wvt1u02=2 7Question 2,  Are the alienated shares listed in stock exchanges? : If the non-resident taxpayer claims for tax exemption for the alienated shares which are listed on the recognized stock exchange, please quote the specific rule of tax treaty provision and indicate whether the percentage of alienated shares meets the relevant restrictive requirements in Question 8 besides this question. 7K 1f@bl"NwQSO{|W Please indicate the specific type of alienated property 2 7N 2llQSN/f&T:N8RNf@b N^vhy Are the alienated shares listed in stock exchanges?2 7[ 3llQSv"Nv NRNgb`Q Composition of immovable property in assets of the alienated company4 7 21^E\l~zNNMR]cN dk!kSNMQN͑ YcNvDenUSTcNe List of documents submitted before (and need not to be resubmitted) / Date of submission4$ 7 4c gllQSN`Q Information of shareholdings in the alienated company directly or indirectly owned by the non-resident taxpayer4 7 *5^E\l~zN/f&T:Nz6eOS[~[eV[?e^0?e^:ggb1u~[e?e^hQDb gv[SO Shall the non-res< ident taxpayer be regarded as the other Contracting State, a government institution of the other Contracting State or an entity wholly-owned by the other Contracting State?4. 7l 6lTOONbOXbv"Nv NRNgb`Q Composition of immovable property in assets of the alienated partnership or trust4 74L 7{f vQN"N vwQSO{|W Please briefly indicate the specific type of property.22  2 7 8{f^E\l~zN:N^NS"N6evag>kz6eOS[_GvvQNl_Onc0N[`Qbt1u Please briefly indicate other legal bases, facts or reasons provided by the non-resident taxpayer to support the non-resident taxpayer's claiming for tax treaty treatment under the article of capital gains.2. 72d 9NS"N6evag>k6eeQ;` Total amount of income under tax treaty treatment of the article of capital gains 2 7 10^E\l~zNvE\lV0W:S [dky"N6ev@b_@b_@b_zzsMQzb N_zkX 0 Applicable income tax rate for this capital gain income in the resident state (region) of the non-resident taxpayer (Please fill in "0" for the case of tax exemption or non-taxation)2*-2/ 72 *12lL:NMRv12*Ng^E\l~zNvcbcckOSS`Q The changes of shareholding ratio directly or indirectly owned by the non-resident taxpayer, at any time during 12 month period preceding the alienation2  2" 7R *13sQTƖV;`@b(W0W Headquarter location of the group comprised of related parties4  7 14^E\l~zNя Nt^/f&T gegnN-NVXQvQN0W:Sv T{|@b_ Has the non-resident taxpayer received any income of the same type sourced in other regions within China over the past three years?4! 74 *15^E\l~zNя Nt^/f&T1\egnN-NVXQvQN0W:Sv T{|@b_NSǏz6eOS[_G Has the non-resident taxpayer claimed tax treaty benefits for the income of the same type sourced in other regions within China over the past three years?4* 74 *16f^E\l~zNя Nt^1\egnN-NVXQvQN0W:Sv T{|@b_NSz6eOS[_Gv`Q Please indicate the details of any tax treaty benefits claimed by the non-resident taxpayer for the same type of income sourced in other regions within China over the past three years.4- 7F 17fvQN@b_{|W Please indicate the specific type of "other income." 2 CE 7 18ncN/eNy@b_vCg)Rb"N/f&TN^E\l~zN(W-NVv8^:ggbV[W0W g[ET| Does the right or property which generates this income payment have any effective connection with a permanent establishment or fixed base in China of the non-resident taxpayer?2/ 723 19NSvQN@b_ag>k@b_;` Total amount of "other income" 2 7 20^E\l~zNL bcOvYfvQ&{TNSOS[_GvvQNDenUS List of other documents provided by the non-resident taxpayer on a voluntary basis to justify entitlement to tax treaty benefits4% 7m (IV) Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits under the Article of Capital Gains (Information for Uuse by Tax Authority) 7Question 13,  Headquarter location and Effective management place of the group comprised of related parties : Non-resident taxpayers who alienate the shares of Chinese resident company shall fill out this question and indicate which independent tax jurisdictions headquarter location and effective management place belong to. For example, if the headquarter is located in Hong Kong, please write  Hong Kong SAR.  7Q I. This form is applicable to non-resident enterprise income taxpayer who receives capital gains or other income sourced in China, and claims tax treaty benefits under the article of capital gains or other income of a Double Taxation Agreement signed by China (including the DTAs with Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions).%F 7Question 14,  Has the non-resident taxpayer received any income of the same type sourced in other regions within China over the past three years? : If the non-resident taxpayer has any income of the same type sourced in other regions within China over the past three years, and this is under the jurisdiction of a different in-charge tax authority,  Yes shall be selected, and Question 15 and 16 shall be answered. Please specify all tax treaty benefits claimed by the non-resident taxpayer for any income of the same type sourced in other regions within China over the past three years in Question 16. Supporting materials can be attached separately. 7 18.18 ncN/eNy@b_vCg)Rb"N/f&TN^E\l~zN(W-NVv8^:ggbV[W0W g[ET|8^:gg/fc^E\lONb*NN(W-NVۏLhQbR%NvV[%N:W@b0V[W0W/fcNNrz*NNRR;mRvNXTNNvQNR;mRvV[:W@b0Wp 0Yy@b_N^E\l~zN(W-NVv8^:ggbV[W0W g[ET| Ry@b_^~eQ8^:ggv%N)Rm_z b~eQrz*NNRR@b__z NNSvQN@b_ag>kz6eOS[_G02=2 7aQuestion 18,  Does the right < or property which generates this income payment have any effective connection with a permanent establishment or fixed base in China of the non-resident taxpayer? :  Permanent establishment refers to a fixed place in China through which the business is wholly or partly carried on by non-resident enterprises or individuals; 7Non-resident taxpayer can provide, on a voluntary basis, other materials to justify the non-resident taxpayer s entitlement to the tax treaty benefits. When providing such materials, please identify all of them on the list. 7;Non-resident taxpayer can provide other information that the non-resident taxpayer believes should be considered by the in-charge tax authority and may be beneficial to justify the non-resident taxpayer s entitlement to the tax treaty benefits. Please specify the special situations in the additional notes, if any. 7The declaration shall be sealed by the non-resident taxpayer, and/or signed by the legal representative or authorized representative of the non-resident enterprise, and the date of the statement shall be provided. ?7A  b@bl"N{|W Please select the type of alienated property 2 7Question 8,  Please briefly indicate other legal basis, facts or reasons provided by the non-resident taxpayer to support the non-resident taxpayer's claiming for tax treaty treatment under the article of capital gains, : If there are some special provisions in the applicable tax treaty and the non-resident taxpayer indeed needs to claim for the tax treaty treatment under such provisions, please quote full contents of relevant provisions and further indicate the facts supporting the claim. 7R 14.12 lL:NMRv12*Ng^E\l~zNvcbcckOSS`Q^E\l~zNfl-NVE\llQSNv^kXdk evsQ`Qv(W cN Ty hkX e 02=22EF2KL2NO2PQ2 7dQuestion 12,  The changes of shareholding ratio directly or indirectly owned by the non-resident taxpayer, at any time during 12 month period preceding the alienation : Non-resident taxpayers who alienated the shares of Chinese resident company shall fill out this question; if it is not the case, please write  N/A in the column  Name of shareholders . 7EQuestion 5,  Shall the non-resident taxpayer be regarded as the government of the other Contracting State, a government institution of the other Contracting State or an entity wholly-owned by the other Contracting State? : If the applicable tax treaty includes the provision of tax exemption for the case of share alienation by the government of the other Contracting State, a government institution of the other Contracting State or an entity wholly-owned by the other Contracting State and the such provision is applicable to non-resident taxpayer, please fill out this question. 7kIn the case of item 5, the capital participation of qualified related parties shall be deemed as the capital participation of the non-resident taxpayer in the alienated Chinese resident company. Related parties who have substantial interest connection with the non-resident taxpayer include: individuals (including joint ownership with his/her spouse, his/her parents and lineal relatives higher than his/her parents generation, his/ her children and lineal relatives lower than his/her children s generation) and companies or other entities which directly or indirectly own 100% capital of the non-resident taxpayer.  7% 7W (Applicable to Tax Treaty Benefits under the Article of Capital Gains or Other Income) 7Question 3,  Composition of immovable property in assets of the alienated company : If the value of land or land use rights is lower than market price of comparables in adjacent locations or similar locations, the latter should be used. 7 Question 17  Please indicate the specific type of the  Other income,  : Please describe the nature of income in detail and explain why it cannot be classified as other types of income listed in other articles of tax treaty. 7% 7% 7{Name of withholding agent: The withholding agent should provide its full name as shown in its tax registration certificate.Tax identification number of withholding agent: The withholding agent should provide its identification number as shown in the tax registration certificate. =VII. Instructions on how to fill in each item are as follows:! (VI) List of documents attached (VII) Additional Notes(VIII) Declaration< -III. Part I of the form shall be filled in by the withholding agent, and will not be required in the case of self-declaration. The rest of the form shall be filled in by the non-resident taxpayer. When filling in the form, the non-resident taxpayer can attach separate sheets to the form if necessary. DN 7 Appendix 73p NSz6eOS["N6ev0vQN@b_ag>k_G(u (Applicable to Tax Treaty Benefits under the Articles of Capital Gains or Other Income )39 77 kXheg t^ g e Filling date: Y M D 44 4  4 7 '^USMOCQNl^ Currency unit: RMB4 6 N0cb4INRNW,gOo` I. Basic Information of Withholding Agent5  ! cb4INRN Ty Name of withholding agent2: cb4INRN~zNƋ+RS Tax identification number of withholding agent2  7L ^E\l~zN(W-NVv~zNƋ+RS Tax identification number of non-resident taxpayer in China4J ^E\l~zN(WE\lV0W:S Ty Name of non-resident taxpayer in resident state (region)42 ^E\l~zNNSz6eOS[ Ty Name of the applicable tax treaty 2* NSz6eOS[_Gag>k Name of the applicable article2 `  % "N6ev % vQN@b_ Capital gains Other income 2  2!2"#2(k N llQSN0SbvQNCg)RS_v)Rv II Alienation of shares, participation or other rights in the capital of a company35  % /f Yes % &T No 44 4  4L 1 lMRvcckO Percentage of direct shareholdings before the alienation 22 K 2 lTvcckO Percentage of direct shareholdings after the alienation 22 " 3 lMR ^E\l~zN/f&T gǏvQN TINSNNc gllQSN N^E\l~zN[勡NN gcN'`D,gSN)Rv v^[(bbD,gSNΘi Before the alienation, does the non-resident taxpayer hold any share in the alienated company through other nominee participants, having exclusive participating interests and taking substantial participating risks?22G3 4 lMR ^E\l~zN/f&TǏwQ g10%N N+T10% vcD,gsQ|vUSB\bYB\lQSbvQN[SOcSN勫llQSvD,g Before the alienation, does the non-resident taxpayer indirectly participate in any capital of the alienated company via one or multiple tier companies or other entities within which it owns a direct capital participation of 10% or above?2222@ 5 lMR N^E\l~zNwQ g>fW)RvsQ|vsQTƖVQvQNbXT /f&T(W勫llQSvcSNbǏwQ g10%N N+T10% vcD,gvUSB\bYB\lQSbvQN[SOcSN勫llQSvD,g Before the alienation, does a related party which has a substantial interest connection with the non-resident taxpayer indirectly participate in the capital of the alienated company via one or multiple tier companies or other entities within which it owns direct capital participation of 10% or above?44474;>4_4 V lvQN"N (IV) Alienation of Other Type of Property3 <  b,g9(ucbd;` Total amount of deductible costs and expenses2 y  NS"N6evag>kQMQz Total amount of tax reduction or exemption under tax treaty treatment of the article of capital gains 2 7 V0NS"N6evag>k_GzR:gsQ{tO(uOo` IV. Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits under the Article of Capital Gains (Information for Use by Tax Authorities)3 7q 1 ,{43 -N@bvQN TINSNNOo` Information of the other nominee participants referred to in the item 3 of Question 4 2222IT ^S No.2  Ty Name2@ c gllQSNkO Percentage of shareholdings in the alienated company2 5 N^E\l~zNsQ| Relationship with the non-resident taxpayer2 k 2 ,{44 -N@blQSbvQN[SOOo` Information of the companies and other entities referred in item 4 of Question 42222\ 3 ,{45 -N@bsQTƖVQvQNbXTOo` Information of related parties referred in item 5 of Question 42222 cN Ty Name of shareholders2" ckOSSe Time of percentage change2 % SSMRcNckO Percentage before changing2 $ SSTcNckO Percentage after changing2 m ^E\l~zNvcbcckOT Total percentage of shareholdings directly or indirectly owned by the non-resident taxpayer2^  sQTƖV[E{t:gg@b(W0W Effective management place of the group comprised of related parties 4 ;N{zR:gsQ In-charge tax authority 4 @b_ё Amount of income2+ QMQzё Amount of tax reduction or exemption 4 1 44 7 2 44 7 3 44 7 4 44 7 5 44 7O N0NSvQN@b_ag>k_G V. Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits under The Article of Other Income3 9  NSvQN@b_ag>kQMQz Amount of tax reduction or exemption2' mQ0DbDenUS VI. List of Documents Attached5  1 44 2 44<  3 44 4 44 5 44 N0Yl VII. Additional Notes3 kQ0Xf VIII. Declaration5( cb4INRNlQz Seal of the withholding agent: 4  7" Nt3ub-NN:gglQz Seal of the tax agent:4 ; ;N{zR:gsQStN(uz Dedicated seal of the in-charge tax authority:4  7# ~RN Signature of the case handler:4 7 StN Received by:4 V[zR;`@\v6R6 7 kXhf3I  N0,gh,{NR1ucb4INRNkXQ Y^E\l~zNL3ub~zRekXQ0,ghvQYOR1u^E\l~zNkXQ0^E\l~zNkXb,gheS9hncXRDu02 N cb4INRNW,gOo`2" 1.cb4INRN Ty1ucb4INRNkXQzR{v@b}cb4INRNvhQy02 N ^E\l~zNW,gOo`2 3.^E\l~zN-Ne TykXQ^E\l~zN(W-NVXQv-NehQy02 7* 4.^E\l~zN(WE\lV0W:S TykXQ^E\l~zN(WvQE\lV0W:S vehQy027 6. b@bl"N{|W b@bl"N{|WT NkXQ,{ N0VRN@b l"N{|WvsQvSvQNqQ'`v02 V NS"N6evag>k_GzR:gsQ{tO(uOo` 2 N NSvQN@b_ag>k_G2 mQ DbDenUS2B 19.^E\l~zNSL bcOYf^E\l~zN&{TNSz6eOS[_GvvQNDe0Y^E\l~zNcOvQNDe (WnUS NhQRf02 N Yl2L 20.SkXQ^E\l~zN:N;N{zR:gsQN㉄vvQN gRNf^E\l~zN&{TNSz6eOS[_GagNvOo`0Y^E\l~zN gyrk`Q _N(WYl-Nlf02 kQ Xf2 N0^E\l~zN^Y[[tekXQ,gh@bR0Y^E\l~zNl g@bR`Q (Whk^E\l~zN9hncNSz6eOS[_Gag>kv[E{|W b0 b "N6ev vekXQ,gh,{NRvv b vQN@b_ vekXQ,gh,{ N0VRvv02*+2/02AB2FG2 Yg^E\l~zN g4 -N@b`Q ^Ɖ:N^E\l~zNSNl-NVE\llQSN0^E\l~zNc gP[lQSbvQN[SONkO10%N N MRP[lQSbvQN[SOc gl-NVE\llQSNkO ^eQ6 ^E\l~zNvcbcc gllQSNkO0Yg^E\l~zNǏYB\lQSSNl-NVE\llQSD,g ^ cT~D,gkOXNyeQ6 ^E\l~zNvcbcc gllQSNkO02  2>A2DE2cd22pChinese name of non-resident taxpayer: Fill in the full Chinese name used by the non-resident taxpayer in China. 7, 21.1u^E\lONvl[NhNbvQcCgNh#N~{W[v^/bRvONlQz v^kXQXfeg022 7; 6 lMR^E\l~zNvcbcc gllQSNkO Percentage of shareholdings in the alienated company directly or indirectly owned by the non-resident taxpayer before the alienation {lQ_@bBlkO=1 vcckO+3 ǏvQN TINSNNckO+4 ǏvQNlQSb[SOcckO+5 sQTƖVQvQNbXTvcbcckO Calculation formula: Total percentage = (1) Percentage of direct shareholdings + (3)Percentage of indirect shareholdings via other nominee participants + (4) Percentage of indirect shareholdings via other qualified companies and entities + (5) Percentage of direct or indirect shareholdings owned by qualified related parties;;;;;;;;;;;^E\l~zNNSz6eOS[_G`QbJThON@b_zCh  7< N0^E\l~zNW,gOo` II. Basic Information of Non-resident Taxpayer5   7  N0NS"N6evag>k_Gcb4INRNO(uOo` III. Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits under the Article of Capital Gains (Information for Use by Withholding Agent)5 7&  8RNf@b Ty Name of stock exchange2  7  N^hyNx Stock code2 7H 3 (WlKNMRv36*NlQSgNQ N+TlS_g /f&TfQsllQSvcbcc gMON-NVv NRNNkv N(ue Mb(u vQN@b_ ag>k0Vdk nx^E\l~zNS_v@b_ N(uNz6eOS[vvQNag>k0 Special tips: The article of other income applies only if other articles of the tax treaty do not apply. Ther<!efore, please confirm the applicability of other articles before claiming for treaty treatment under this article.222B 7V kXheg t^ g e Date of filing: Y M D444#4% 7_ 3ubeg t^ g e Date of filing: Y M D0444 '4)^4 7  0^E\l~zNNSz6eOS[_G`QbJThON@b_zCh 0181 7NSz6eOS["N6ev0vQN@b_ag>k_G(u  7g5 C8V`k v d{Xxedml5y! M3cc   iDLTW\^  dMbP?_*+%,&'6GV ,{ &P u qQ &N u&x""8"88".""""""68"666"66666 4@!c@"9@#@$@%8@&@'g@(@)g@*@+@,@-W@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8g@9:@:I@; @<@=I@>g@?+@  s  !; ! !s! 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