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(31)Kismet is different from the traditional robot because it Can show human emotionsIts eyes ears and lips move to show when it feels happy, sad or boredKismet is one of the first of a new generation of androids  robots that look like human beings  which Can imitate human feelings(32) Cog another android invented by the MIT, imitates the action of a motherHowever, scientists admit that So far Cog has the mental ability of a two year old (33)The optimists(PN‰;NIN)say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids(:ghVN)with brains similar to those of all adult human beingThese robots will be designed to look like people to make them more attractive and easier to sell to the publicWhat kind of jobs will they do? (34)In the future robots like Robonaut a humanoid invented by NASA will be doing dangerous jobs like repairing space stationsThey will also be doing more and mom of the household work for us In Japan scientists are designing androids that will entertain us by dancing and playing the piano Some people worry about what the future holdswill robots become monsters(*`ir)?Will people themselves become increasingly like robots? Experts predict that more and more people will be wearing micro computers connected to the Internet in the futurePeople will have micro chips in various parts of their body which will connect them to a wide variety of gadgets (\ňn)Perhaps we should not exaggerate(8Y'Y)the importance of technology but one wonders whether in years to come we will still be falling in love and whether we will still feel painWho knows? 31. Kismet is different from traditional robots because A. it thinks for itself B. It is not like science fiction C. it can look after two year-old D. it seems to have human feelings ,gvh_͋/fKismet sQ.͋~/fdifferent from traditional robots bN(Wez,{Nkv,{NS݋-N~b0RNՋ(Wez-NvMOn ~~ُS݋0 yDTُS݋va`/fgcяv V:N,{NS݋-N gُ7hNSit Can show human emotions y-NvfeelingsTez-Nvemotions/f TIN͋fbc ُ/ftcknxyvN*NQSR0Vdk/fcknxT{Hh0 32. What makes Cog special? A. It looks like a mother B. It behaves like a child C. It can imitate the behavior of a mother D. It has a huge brain ,gvh_͋/fCog c@wez (We-N[~bsQNCogv0sQNCogvQs(W31@b[^vSevTb S g$NS݋ N~[ُ$NS݋T bNSs yCTSe/f[^v S/fe-NvUS͋actionfbcbNNv TIN͋behavior ُ/fLyՋ-N t ynvN*Nyrp sS TIN͋fbc0 33. In about 15 years time from now robots A. will become space designers B. will look like monsters C. will behave like animals D. will think like humans ,gvh_͋/fh:yev15 years time (Wez/flaez-Ne͋Qsv0We000 bNc@w^,{ Nk [NT bN(Wez-Nl gSs15 years time0FO9hnc!j|[MOvSR ,{ N@b[^vSe1\Qs(W,{N@b[^vSev Nb bNQN~,{ Nk0(W,{NS݋-N SQsNe͋2020 vv/f Ns(Ww15t^NT :ghVNO&  bNN~{ 15t^NT 1\/f2020t^N0@bNv/fcvc ~ǏbNv{0HNُSՋ@b[^vSe1\/f,{ NkvMR$NS݋ [TbNSs yD. will think like humansTez-NvSP[with brains similar to those of all adult human being/fgcяv yD/f[ezSP[v TIN9eQ ُS/ftՋ ynvN*NSR0 34. In the future robots will also A. explore space B. entertain people C. move much faster D. do all of the housework ُSՋvh_͋/fh:yev͋~In the future0bNc@w,{ N@b[^vSec@w_ N Ss NbNS݋-NQsNُ*Nh:yev͋~ VdkbN[cknxT{Hh1\(WُNSP[KN-N0[ُNSP[TbNSs yB(WُNSP[vgTNS݋-NQsN0 yD/f Ncknx y N,egYg y-NQsk~[SvUS͋ Y yD-Nvall NSevery0each0the bestI{I{ ُ*N yN,eg/fv ُ/ft ynvN*NSR0 35. What is the writer s attitude to robots in the future? A. Critical (ybċv) B. Hostile (Leav) C. Objective([‰v) D. Enthusiastic (p`v p_v) ُScv/f\O[N\eg{:gv`^0/fgTNSՋ 9hnc!j|[MOvSR bN^S_9hncgTNkegT{ V:Nez-N1\iR NgTNkbNl g0s(WN N0N\OvSeg w v^l g[\eg{:gv)R _ZPQċN ez/fNN*NuS~>\vwho knows? 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